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Shopping cart

July 2, 2003
How to make an easy-to-move and safe shopping cart?

Shopping is an important and responsible undertaking for Koreans. The whole family, including small children, goes shopping. Koreans, equipped with a huge shopping cart, select goods deliberately and tastefully, walking around the supermarket for hours.
The youngest members of the family sit on a special seat inside the cart taking an active part in the shopping process. Babies are also offered a special car hitched to the cart, where they can twist the steering wheel and jerk various handles to their hearts' content.
Older girls help their mothers and push the shopping cart themselves filling it with all necessary goods. Naturally, there are small shopping carts for small buyers in supermarkets.
However, a contradiction arises.
The shopping cart must be small for a child to move it easily.
The shopping cat must be big so that adult buyers can notice a child and avoid pushing him, especially when there is an afflux of purchasers.
How to make an easy-to-move and safe shopping cart?
This contradiction is resolved in the following way: A high pole with a flag at the top is attached to the shopping cart.
To develop this idea, not a flag, but a winker can be attached at the top of the pole. Then adult purchases will certainly notice a small purchaser.


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Authors: Nikolay Shpakovsky, Elena Novitskaya