February 6, 2004 Once a country teacher took out a sack of gifts and... (Chinese folktale)
Once a country teacher took out a sack of gifts and, to the children's amazement, tied it to a long bamboo pole. Holding the pole in his hands, he said,
'Well, the gift is at the top of the pole. I will give it to that of you who manages to reach it and take it off the pole observing two conditions. First, you shouldn't bend the pole and second, you shouldn't use any bench or stone to stand on.
He had hardly finished his speech when all the children rushed to the pole. They jumped up and down, stretched out their hands but could not reach the sack.
When the children lost all hope Suey Venchan, who was standing silently aside and watching them attentively, came up the well and started lowering the pole slowly into it. When the pole top reached the level of the well edge, Suey Venchan took the sack with the gift off its top.