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Multicolor pencil

November 20, 2002
One pencil replaces a box of pencils.

A colored pencil has one disadvantage it can only draw in one color. And there exists not just a colored pencil, but a multicolor pencil. By turning the pencil a little while drawing, you may produce now a yellow line, now a red one, now a blue line, and now a green one. Especially nice are two-color lines with an alternating dominant now yellow solos and green echoes, then vice versa. Besides it is very convenient to tone a drawing making smooth transitions from color to color.
Why having a full box of pencils, sharpening each of them and choosing one of them every time, if you can manage with one?
The pencil lead consists of several segments of different colors. This is the only feature which marks it off from an ordinary pencil. The only nuance is that you should sharpen such a pencil very accurately so that all the colors converge uniformly at its point.

Trimming: A box of colored pencils is converged into one multicolor pencil.


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Authors: Nikolay Shpakovsky, Elena Novitskaya