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Universal ball

February 17, 2003
Isn't it interesting to know what a simple plastic ball with a tail is designed for?

 Isn't it interesting to know what a simple plastic ball with a tail is designed for?
The ball in itself is useless. But if we have a lot of such balls, we can use them to assemble many useful objects.
Пластмассовый шарик с хвостиком пристегивается точно к такому же шарику при помощи хитрого замка. Замок устроен так: на хвостике каждого шарика имеется маленькое утолщение, которое удерживает хвостик в фигурном вырезе другого шарика. Таков принцип работы очередного тайваньского изобретения.
A plastic ball with a tail is attached to another ball with the aid of a cunning lock. The lock has the following design: each ball has a small thickening on its tail. The thickening holds the tail in the irregular-shaped opening of another ball. This is the principle underlying the Taiwan invention.
Then you may give full scope to your imagination. The Taiwanese inventors of the magic ball propose the following applications: a massager, mats for feet and sitting mats, square and round ones. By the way, any of these mats also has a massaging effect provided by the balls.
But the best construction made up from the balls is a dynamic hoop. A heavy flexible ring provides an excellent massage to the abdominal muscles and back. The training process becomes a real pleasure.

Source: www.taiwantrade.com.tw.


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