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Underwater New Year Tree

December 29, 2003
Some days ago, fifteen divers delivered a huge New Year Tree to the bottom of Lake Baikal.

New Year may be celebrated in different ways. Especially interesting are unordinary celebrations.
Some days ago, fifteen divers delivered a huge New Year Tree to the bottom of Lake Baikal. Local amateurs of underwater swimming will dance around it on New Year night. The New Year Tree is attached with its butt to a heavy load and is decorated with specially charged decorations and underwater lights. The Baikal water is almost absolutely transparent and the twinkling beauty tree looks enchanting at a ten-meter depth.

Image: Mary Soroka


Santa Claus from the divers' club will present gifts on the lake bottom and then all the participants will drink a glass of champagne. It is clear that this operation is not easy to perform under water, therefore the diver Sergei Rodionov has invented a special device. It does not look as elegant as a champagne glass but is quite suitable for underwater celebration of New Year. It consists of a vessel provided with two pipes. Supplying compressed air to one of the pipes will force a champagne jet in the other pipe.
But because of “prohibition”, champagne will be nonalcoholic.


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